Electric Vehicle Home Charging Stations

Quick Comparison Guide

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Purchasing an electric vehicle is a thrilling proposition, but picking out your favorite model isn’t the only choice you have to make– you’ll also want a home charging station to keep it on the road!

While public charging networks provide convenience on the go, a home-based Level 2 charging station will save you time and money by allowing you to charge on your own terms. Rather than being stuck waiting at a station twiddling your thumbs while your EV tops up (and being at the mercy of whatever rate they’re currently charging per kWh), you can plug in your car at home and go off to do something much more productive or fun while potentially taking advantage of off-peak rates.

Take a look at the following table to compare the most popular home charging stations and find your perfect match. I’ve put together an overview of each model’s key features and specifications to make your choice that much easier. If you’re not sure which home charging station would best suit your needs, a good place to start would be to check out my comprehensive charging station reviews.

Chart last updated: April 1, 2024

Prices subject to change.

Tap or click on a cell to expand the table and see more of each charging station’s information!

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